Testing Change System Time
If you want to see whether or not you can adjust the System Time in Windows XP, there are two logical locations. The first is by double clicking on the time in the task tray. The second is from the control panel.
If you want to see whether or not you can adjust the System Time in Windows XP, there are two logical locations. The first is by double clicking on the time in the task tray. The second is from the control panel.
You may need to check a users account type from time to time in order to grant more privileges or revoke privileges. To do this in XP Professional requires a look inside Control Panel. I am using a lesser privileged account in this example which I will demonstrate.
From time to time the need is apparent to be able to restrict the ability to change the system time in windows XP. The following article and picture series depicts the process in Windows XP Pro using the Local Policy Editor.
There are some subtle differences between how to access Google Apps Email Settings and GMail settings. Although this is no major feat, it’s funny how when there is a difference it can effect you.
If you are looking for a way to boot install Windows XP, Vista or 7 then you may try taking a look at: Boot Install Windows. Continue reading
How To: Downgrading Internet Explorer 9 ( Windows 7 )
Internet Explorer 9 is Microsoft&squo;s latest Browser at the time of this writing ( May 5, 2011 ) and there have definately been a number of changes. There are as with most browser main version updates some issues and changes to overcome in regards to ActiveX Controlls. So if you need to downgrade, try the following:
Uploading Images
Uploading images into Content Articles in Joomla can be easy if you know what to do. Follow the image guided instructions below to perform this task. This instruction does not contain information on how to create folders for organizational purposes or placing images within content.
How to change CB Subs Paid Subscriptions content
CB Subs Paid Subscription content is a little bit difficult to find at first, but once you have found it a few times, it is easier to remember and edit.
Learn to post a video to a Social Engine Web site ( fishnlife.ca )
Posting to Social Engine/Fishnlife.ca with YouTube video is fairly straight forward as long as you know where to grab the url from.
I received the following message while working while working with a pre-existing existing database and adding some new tables. I was specifying the table creating using this Mysql Manager.
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Many times called, once called back init function
If you have done any programming to build extensions or plugins in the form of a dll or shared object, then you probably know the purpose of this class or funcion structure, if not then keep reading.
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Looking for a quick and dirty way to manage a bunch of connections to ssh hosts using a simple bash script. I figured that it would be simple enough to create a single table sqlite database. There is no password storage in this version of the database as I am using it simply as a connection manager.
If you have evern wanted to customize the way that bash handles each command
Recently I was tasked to write a couple of bash scripts that I could not capture the output from in a normal fashion. ( Ie piping to another command for cleanup or redirecting to a file ) Also if I need to capture the output or details of each command run in a script, then my script could look ulgy and become horribly difficult to maintain.
Writing the bash wrapper function
The first step in setting up a wrapper function is to decide what you want to happen for each command For our example we would like to simple output the Command on one line with a description then output the arguments on a separate line. Once we have done that we are going to call the function and store the result in a variable as well as store the commands numeric return code. After all is said and done we should have a method to call for every line in a script potentially.
To make a function in Bash, we simply need to use the keyword function followed by the function name followed by an opening curly brace, the function definition and finally the closing brace:
function ExecWrap { # do not forget space between brace # function definition goes here. }
Step 1: ( Obtaining the arguments )
* Bash arguments to a function are similar to the function arguments to the bash script themselves which can be accessed numerically or via a special glob variable denoted with the ‘@’ symbol:
# $@ - all arguments # $1 - first argument # $2 - second argument # *** To grab the first argument and echo it to the console will be as simple as using the echo command: echo "Command: $1"; # *** To grab the remaining argument will require a little more work: array=(`echo $@`) # copy the glob array into a new array array=(${array[@]:1}); # extract only the last part of the array or shift. echo "Parameters: ${array[*]}" # echo the array to the console
Step 2: ( Calling the Command and saving the result )
* When we enclose a command using the backtick operator ‘`’ we can store the output of a command into a variable:
RESULT=`echo "test"` # store the word test into the RESULT variable # *** Redirecting the output of stderr and stdout to file as well as to the console ( stdout ) ERRLOG=errlog # setup our strerror log SITELOG=sitelog # setup our stdout log TEE=tee # setup a program to write to console as well as to file RESULT=`echo "test" 2>>$ERRLOG | $TEE -a $SITELOG
NOTE: the pipe ‘|’ operator takes the output of a command and sets it as the input to another command using a pipe.
NOTE: the 2>> redirect takes the 2nd file descripter and redirects that to a file
NOTE: the $ERRLOG, $TEE, $SITELOG gets replaced with our variable contents
Step 3:( Output and handling )
Now that we have called the function and retained most of the information how are we going to output the results?
echo "Result: $? : $RESULT" ; # output return code of last command and output
It is also quite possible to use the return code of the last command to exit or proceed by using the following one line script.
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then exit ; fi
Step 4: ( Reading the script )
Now that we have a wrapper function, lets figure out a way to read a script into bash. If you google bash read a file you may come up with a similar script to the following:
while read line do echo $line; done < file
This will basically read a line from file until the file end has been reached.
We are going to us a slight variation on this and wrap it in a function:
function ReadFile { # do not forget space between brace while read line do WrapExec $line ; # Call our exec routine done # read from stdinput }
Step 5: ( Writing the script to run )
The final stage to our script is to write the script we want to perform and pipe it to the read script. We can do this with the heredoc format. Heredoc allows us to use the contents of the file we are actually writing/reading as the file we want to perform an action on. The syntac is something like this:
cat << EOF # line 1 of script # line 2 of script # ... EOF # this is the end of the script
For our purposes we are going to call our Reading script to read all of the lines and call our wrapper function with.
ReadFile << EOF ls -al /export/ touch /export/somefile EOF
Final Script
#!/usr/bin/bash ERRLOG=error_log SITELOG=site_log TEE=tee function WrapExec { echo "Command: $1" array=(`echo $@`) array=(${array[@]:1}); echo "Parameters: ${array[*]}" RESULT=`$1 ${array[*]} 2>> $ERRLOG | $TEE -a $SITELOG` echo "Result:$RESULT:$?" 2>>$ERRLOG | $TEE -a $SITELOG } function ReadFile { while read line do WrapExec $line done } ReadFile << EOF ls -al /export/ touch /export/somefile EOF # Hopefully this has been fun and informative # Thanks for reading.
There are a few reasons why windows in general may slow down when opening a folder. The simple reason is because windows is doing something or asking some program to do something on it&squo;s behalf. At first when people experience slow downs, they may think that they need a processor upgrade, more memory or a new computer alltogether. Although these things would definately help the situation they are not the cause and definately not necessarily the only solution.
I have not myself, but I have recently been a part of a situation where there was. If this ever happens to you, don&squo;t panic. The first thing you need to do is remove the battery as quick as possible. Once the battery is out, there is no source of power and therefore less chance of actually frying anything. Now that you have the battery out you will most certainly have to wait until you get to a dry place with a micro screw driver set.