Windows 8 Shell Replacement – Classic Shell

For those of you uncomfortable with the new windows 8 shell, there is another solution out there for you. This was brought to my attention by a colleague, and I thought I might share.

Classic Shell

2 thoughts on “Windows 8 Shell Replacement – Classic Shell

  1. Joanne

    Classic Shell is actually better than any menu replacement. Highly recommended. It is how interfaces should be – customizable and powerful.

  2. ttessierttessier Post author

    I would like to think that there are possibly better interfaces possible, otherwise it feels like as a developer, my job is over. I also think that attacking metro is kind of a failure on the consumers end, save for the situation that you can’t really get back to the original interface if you get lost. Metro seems to be sort of web or mobile similar, and it hides well, a lot of things that people can get into trouble with. On the other hand, when you need to find something quickly and you can’t, it’s annoying and frustrating. I think that possibly if the transition was done over a couple of iterations, it would have been received better.

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