Category Archives: Content Management Systems

Content Management Systems have helped thousands of developers and business owners to fast track their websites and benefit from the model view controller development paradigm

The System Library ‘GD’ is not registered

The System Library ‘GD’ is not registered

So… It appears that I am not the only one who ran into this issue, and not actually having run into it directly myself, it was a little tricky to get to the root of the problem. In case you have no idea what I am talking about, I am talking about Miva Merchant and libGD configuration. Specifically when you upgrade Miva Merchant there can be an issue.

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Updating to Joomla 2.5

Updating to Joomla 2.5

NOTE: Do not do this on a live server, backup and test mileage before deploy as components and modules might not be available. Also templates need to be updated

It’s getting pretty easy to update things these days and Joomla is no exception. There is a component that you can get for the joomla 1.5 branch and later that is called jupdate. This component works pretty good as long as your permissions are set correctly. IE if you are not running as a specific user in php that has write permissions to the root of your site, then it may be a problem during the update phase.

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Updating the SiteURL or Home Link for wordpress

Updating the SiteURL or Home Link for wordpress

Here and there I have come up with a problem to solve when either deploying word press sites or beginning to maintain sites that are live. My first step is usually to back up the site locally and attempt to fix the issues or create additional functionality as the situation calls for. The problem is that, the live site is usually not the same url that I am using. For instance, I can not use the same domain unless I want to continually be modifying my dns or hosts files. My solution is to usually have an automated way to create an aliasmatch such as the following: where devhost is the domain. This is usually much different than or

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Latest Version of Joomla Link

In case anyone is wondering where they can get the latest version of Joomla information which is now scheduled to have a major release every 6 months, the url is There is an extension update link as well but that does not seem to be filled in currently at: The latest release of Joomla is 1.7 as of the time of this posting.

Joomla 1.0 Content Missing

Was having an issue viewing some content on a Joomla 1.0 site. Noticed that the server code was php5.3. There are some issues with some versions of Joomla with php5.3. For the 1.5 branch, the latest versions work but the earlier ones do not as late as 1.5.14.

At any rate, without errors showing up it is often hard to find the solution without hacking core code. One such solution is to downgrade php which may be simple in a cgi environment.

Another possible solution was found at this blog posting.

The basic idea is to change the core Joomla 1.0 file includes/Cache/Lite/Function.php. By modifying the line that looks like:

$arguments = func_get_args();


$arguments = func_get_args();
$numargs = func_num_args();
for($i=1; $i < $numargs; $i++){
$arguments[$i] = &$arguments[$i];

The content becomes visible. There are other issues that could arise due to improper database content Finish Publishing Dates, and clearing the browser cache as well as site cache.
For those of you interested in converting Templates, Modules, Components, or Plugins from 1.0 to 1.5 – please check out this page