Category Archives: Free Tools

Allocate Version Numbers With Bash

Allocate Version Numbers With Bash

Bash at it&squo;s simplest form is a program that runs other programs for you based on input. Bash also has some other features than this such as the ability to store and retrieve variables stored in the Environment for a shell. If you invoke bash and then exit, you will loose the Environment that was set inside the script unless some special things are done.
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Getting into bison and flex

Getting into bison and flex

I want to build a compiler or my own parsing engine

Are you technically inclined? Have you checked out the latest microsoft, gnu, sun, intel and borland compilers and said to yourself me to or I can do better? There is more to building a compiler than reading in a file parsing the contents and vomiting machine code.

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MD5 Hash Verification Tool

Try out a free MD5 Hash Verification Tool


[Download Md5 Hash Checker] – 8e52a31086783f01eda4742a10504aa3


We have free Md5 hash checker written in .net. Feel free to download,try, and provide feedback for it. To test this program out, you might venture out to to find a useful ssh tunneling program that privides downloads as well as md5 signatures for the download.