Eval base64_decode php
So, it appears that there are some subtle variants on the site hacked in google and returning viagara or cialus, however those are spelled. But I believe the attack vector is the same and the protection is the same.
So, it appears that there are some subtle variants on the site hacked in google and returning viagara or cialus, however those are spelled. But I believe the attack vector is the same and the protection is the same.
NOTE: Do not do this on a live server, backup and test mileage before deploy as components and modules might not be available. Also templates need to be updated
It’s getting pretty easy to update things these days and Joomla is no exception. There is a component that you can get for the joomla 1.5 branch and later that is called jupdate. This component works pretty good as long as your permissions are set correctly. IE if you are not running as a specific user in php that has write permissions to the root of your site, then it may be a problem during the update phase.