Monthly Archives: October 2011

A link to Mersenne Twister Implementations

Mersenne Twister Implementations

What is the Mersenne Twister algorithm? The Mersenne Twister is a very fast random number generator. The home page that I retreived this information from warns of the following: “Mersenne Twister is basically for Monte-Carlo simulations – it is not cryptographically secure ‘as is’.”. If you read the FAQ, however, there are comments on newer versions and implementation details for specific usage case scenarios.

At any rate, the implementations may be found here.
Interestingly enough there is a javascript version that will most likely find it’s way into our demos.

PHP Rss Information From IBM

Just a simple article from within IBM thats shows how to both read and write RSS feeds from PHP. There are some good points, a working example and both sides of the rss coin presented. The article itself is somewhat dated as it was published in 2006, but the principles work.

PHP SRP php Secure Remote Password

PHP SRP php Secure Remote Password

If you don’t know what SRP is, then by all means – Find Out about SRP from the creators.. For a brief overview, it is a way to authenticate without sending a password plaintext or hashed. The method is similar in theory to public key cryptography in that math functions are used to calculate tokens help validate the identity of the user. There is an existing implementation that appears to work somewhat out of the box that can be found on another blog entitled: Secure Ajax: SRP Hermetic. I was able to get the code to work with some slight modifications to get the database code to work with mysql.
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Halloween is coming – Halloween javascript

Halloween is coming

Halloween is fast approaching with us being over half the month through. Check out this little javascript which animates three ghost images in the screen swooping them and fading them out. This script is simple enough to understand and implement for yourself or by a beginner developer. Of course the image assets would need to be on your site as well. Follow this link to have a quick look. This script is easily probably of the simpler scripts I have seen and check back from now to halloween for more.

Updating the SiteURL or Home Link for wordpress

Updating the SiteURL or Home Link for wordpress

Here and there I have come up with a problem to solve when either deploying word press sites or beginning to maintain sites that are live. My first step is usually to back up the site locally and attempt to fix the issues or create additional functionality as the situation calls for. The problem is that, the live site is usually not the same url that I am using. For instance, I can not use the same domain unless I want to continually be modifying my dns or hosts files. My solution is to usually have an automated way to create an aliasmatch such as the following: where devhost is the domain. This is usually much different than or

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Steve Jobs is a hot topic right now because of recent events.

Steve Jobs is a hot topic right now because of recent events.

Steve Jobs has been battling cancer for some time now and has apparently lost his battle to this disease. Here are some articles highlighting some moments in his career. I encourage you to check out the variety of video posts on youtube and to check out the documetary/movie Pirates of Sillicon Valley.

How Steve Jobs Changed Computing from

Looking Back on Steve Jobs Legacy from the Globe and Mail

BBC News: Streve Jobs dies: Steve WosniakFrom BBC Uk

Steve Jobs just before returning to Apple from youtube

Steve Jobs Response to Software Product Failures from youtube

Documentary from youtube